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Life Is But A Dream
9 janvier 2007

Dream On (séquence 24)

Séquence 24:

Chiara resta dormir chez Caroline ce jour-là. Elles gloussèrent  durant les opérations sanglantes et les aventures abracadabrantesques des deux chirurgiens de la série Nip/Tuck ; elles eurent quinze ans à nouveau.

Le lendemain, elle appela Marina. Celle-ci avoua en riant qu'elle était persuadée de ne jamais plus avoir de nouvelles
d'elle, car elle ne l'aurait pas rappelée elle-même. Chiara déclara qu'elle avait envie de prendre un café avec elle, "pour
discuter" ; pressée, elle proposa de se voir l'après-midi même. Elle voulait lui parler de Christian, de l'éventualité d'une vraie relation avec lui qui impliquerait automatiquement la fin de la leur, mais ne put s'y résoudre de l'après-midi. D'abord elles se promenèrent bras dessus bras dessous dans le quartier, s'arrêtant ponctuellement dans des cafés pour siroter un chocolat ou une bière, puis attérirent chez Marina où elles firent l'amour pour la deuxième fois. Elles se rendirent compte qu'elles avaient de nombreux goûts en commun: leur amour de la musique (elles se disputèrent même pour savoir si Arcade Fire étaient l'arnaque du nouveau siècle ou les petits génies du millénaire), les styles qu'elles appréciaient en littérature, elles aimaient les mêmes réalisateurs... Ce fut le coeur gros que Chiara revint dans sa banlieue. A peine rentrée, elle écrivit une longue scène où David et Sofia marchaient main dans la main dans l'intimité de Paris, heureux, ne se souciant de rien ni de personne, pour quelques heures. Et pour la première fois, Chiara ne la trouva même pas niaise. Elle décida que cette scène-là serait accompagnée de la reprise faite par Damills de la plus belle chanson que David Bowie ait écrite: 'Heroes'.

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Le lendemain, à nouveau sur terre, elle repassa dans sa tête la conversation qu'elle avait eue avec Laurent au sujet des "drames psychologiques". Il fallait de profondes interrogations, de la réflexion intérieure, et des drames, des drames, des drames...

Sequence 29: démons intérieurs

David a invité à dîner un de ses meilleurs amis depuis quinze ans, Franck, un noir-américain qui est venu vivre à Paris sept ans avant avec sa femme pour y travailler temporairement, et n'en est plus jamais parti. Ils ne se rencontrent que pour se confier leurs problèmes personnels. En fait, ils ne se sont pas revus depuis un an et demi, presque jour pour jour. Ils s'embrassent, puis se font placer à table par le garçon. Ils attaquent les hors-d'oeuvre en discutant de tout et de rien, puis Franck l'incite à commencer, mais David fait l'innocent. Franck se met alors à rire et rappelle: "C'mon, we only call each other for confessions, don't tell me it's different this time!

- Well, how to start... Répondit finalement David. With a song maybe: "Oops, I did it again"?

- No, everything but that!

- You mean everything but Britney, or everything but what I'm about to say?

- I think both! Please don't tell me it's another student?

- Sorry. David haussa les épaules d'un air confus.

- So, you're cheating at Kim again, and you call old buddy Franck to confess what you can't say to her, that's right?"

David ne sait que dire, et replonge dans son assiette en rougissant. Franck repart alors d'un grand rire: "It's alright for me David, I guess that somewhere I'm here for that. And you too! I was more than happy to have you when I had my little professional problems.

- Yeah, when you were jobless for four months and didn't have the balls to tell Kathy?

- I would have had them if she weren't used to a so high lifestyle! Ils se remirent à rire. And she never learnt about all this, you know!

- You lucky bastard, 'didn't have that chance. David se rassombrit.

- By the way, how is it going with Kim? Does she have any idea of... What's happening?

- I don't know... I feel that she's still suspicious since... Last time. But does she guess anything? I really don't know. I'm not a very good at figuring what's going on in women's head.

- Well it seems we can't blame her for being suspicious, lui reproche Franck.

- It's not entirely my fault! Proteste David. I tried everything to make her forget: moving to France, spending more time with her, I try to be romantic... But she still keeps her distance, as if I were some stranger... yesterday I spent the most lovely day with Sofia, she's smart, sweet and she cares for me... Her presence is a breathe for me!

- This is a quite vicious circle, you blame Kim for not trusting you but you don't make anything for her to do so...

- Yes, I know. But I don't want to stop that now Franck, this girl does me good.

- You mean like the first one... what was her name already, Karen? She was really good to you as far as I remember, especially at the end, when she denounced you at the direction for sexual harassment.

- That was Kelly, and she was a nutcase! Proof is that she killed herself cutting her own throat... It's not the same story, Sofia is very different! S'exclame David, qui repousse ensuite son assiette en affirmant qu'il n'avait plus faim.

- Yeah sure maybe she'll blackmail you at the end of the month, what do you know?! Anyway you're not the kind of guy who cheats his wife, very soon you'll feel guilty and unable to chose between any of the two. Besides, if Kim learns about this affair, you can be sure she won't give you a third chance.

- I'm not even sure I had a second one, really... I even wonder why she stays with me, it's been more than a year now but she's not willing to forgive me.

- Have you ever tried to discuss it with her?

- Of course! Thousands times, but she always closes herself like a mussel.  David fit un geste d'impuissance.

- Well, I know you called me because you need someone to outpour on, but if I can give you one single advice: break off right now, before it's getting too serious with this girl. Some guys can cope with infidelity, they can have two or three mistresses without any hurt for them. But you David, you can't. You must keep what you have now, not mess it up.

- Yes, you're right... I will stop that... Next time I see her.

- I know it's tough for you to live through this, but you really ought to try talking with Kim and fix things up...

- Yeah..."


Sequence 29: ???

David rentre ce jour-là avant que Kathia ne soit rentrée de l'école. Comme il raconte à Kim qu'il a déjeuner avec son vieil ami de l'université, elle remarque: "Ah yeah, how is he?

- He's fine. 'Told me that Kathy had three activities per week, she goes for that in sort of housewives clubs... Busy woman.

- Good for her! Railla Kim, plongée dans l'étude d'un livre d'apprentissage au français. I bet you mentioned the Kelly case?

- Yes, among others... why do you say "I bet"?

- Well he was very supportive toward you when you were fired and everything.

- Which can't be said about everyone.... réplique-t-il alors avec une certaine aigreur."
Elle lève enfin les yeux de son manuel:

- "What, you think I could have been more supportive?

- Let's say that living in the middle of the night with our daughter and disappearing for days , did not make it easier...

- Can't believe we're having this conversation..."

Cette fois elle pose son stylo et se redresse sur sa chaise pour le regarder bien en face. Elle reprend:

- Well first I received a call telling me my husband for seven years was accused for sexual harassment by one of his students, then you confess me that you actually had a six months affair with girl, and to finish I find the girl in question lying in her own blood. Even you must admit that I had good reasons to lose my senses for a while!

- Maybe I could admit that if you would admit that you thought I had actually killed her myself at a time!

- Bullshit! S'écrie-t-elle, ce qui est d'autant choquant qu'elle n'a ni l'air, ni l'habitude de jurer. It never crossed my mind, it was just too much... And I came back finally, so what's the point in getting all this back on the table?"

Alors qu'elle reste assise, lui pose les deux mains sur la table et se penche vers elle, la fixant d'un regard intense, et demande:

- Did you really come back, Kim? Since you're "back", I feel like I lived with some ghost and a child, not with a family I used to have! How long will you make me wear the mask of guilt, Kim? What gods of yours do I have to praise for forgiveness, when do you expect to communicate with me again, make love with me not because you feel obliged but because you want to? when will you be my WIFE again, for Christ's sake?!

- I don't know!!" Hurle-t-elle en se levant enfin de sa chaise.

Elle recule de quelques pas, rabat une mèche en arrière. Elle tremble de tout son corps. Elle reprend: "I try and I try to forget all I've learnt, all I've seen, these images of you and her, of her died and all this blood... I want to forgive you, 'cause I love you so much in spite of what you think, but I just CAN'T... I want our family back too but just when I'm ready to get away with it I close my eyes and I see her... I can't help but relating these images of her died to you... And I'd like to say I'm sorry but I just don't feel like the one who should be sorry here... Am I wrong, David...?".

De fines larmes coulent des yeux quand elle prononce ses mots. David reste silencieux, s'écroule sur une chaise. Finalement, il parvient à articuler:

"- I'll get Kathia at school, it's time.

- The bus will...

- I'll get her."

Il sort de l'appartement."

What a beatiful Heroes !!!!<br /> Who´s (are) Damills? <br /> Beatiful story !!!